Diamonds in the Rough

Standard courses

Diamonds in the Rough

Comprehensive CL.

Turn your pupils into your main classroom resource.

Werdelin Education is proud to be a trusted partner of Viscount Nelson Education Network. This all-inclusive sample package provides VNET schools with a one-stop shop tailored to make Stalham's success available regardless of budget sizes.

The core of Diamonds in the Rough is 8 hours of Cooperative Learning CPD. But recognising good follow-up is paramount, this course integrates a further 10 hours coaching to leadership and key teachers to secure best-practice without teething problems and to quickly make schools responsible for their own continued improvement - a stated objective of VNET school improvement programme.

Depending on your size, finances, needs, urgency, or even partners coming together, you can add to the basic provision without affecting the exclusive VNET pricing.

Delivery is scalable from 4 to 12 months and allows you to prioritise areas of learning, from PSHE to SPaG/GPS. Again, Cooperative Learning means there is no required change to your objectives or purchase of special materials and it will, in most cases, support or enhance any current successful T&L strategies in your school.

“We recognise the work overload faced by teachers and especially by senior leadership. We also recognise that many schools are under too much pressure financially and timewise to engage with complex, long-term improvement programmes and consultancy...”

- Denise Walker, Director of Viscount Nelson Education Network, 2017.