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“...I don't need to mention Ofsted tickboxing here...

-watch this video introduction to Cooperative Learning.


Case For Student Centered Instruction Via Collaborative Learning Paradigms: a summary of hundreds of empirical research studies supporting the use of Cooperative Learning.


Charlie’s Angels or Sympathy for the Devils? A full RE lesson plan on the Paris attacks: an exemplary Cooperative Learning lesson plan; scalable, adaptable, instantly applicable to a number of other topics.


“...a reinforcement of known strategies and a recognition that they work.’’


Ms Jane Savill, subject leader at the Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment, Institute of Education, London



There is nothing experimental about Cooperative Learning, rather it organises outstanding teaching practises into discrete, manageable packages.


The structural approach to Cooperative Learning consists of students in small hand-picked teams or pairs working in a number fixed “Cooperative Learning Interaction Patterns”, called CLIPs.

These CLIPs define step-by-step how students interact with materials and each other and are void of content.


This means the same CLIP may be used repeatedly, using different content, across all key stages and all subjects. Cooperative Learning is fully scalable, there is no requirement to use it in every lesson or throughout every lesson. Also, Cooperative Learning will fuse seamlessly with current class management strategies, such as TeachLikeaChampion, and support full-lesson approaches such as P4C and Mantle of the Expert.


This makes Cooperative Learning the most cost-effective CPD investment available to schools today. Added considerations include the Sutton Trust's rating of Cooperative Learning as one of the best investments of Pupil Premium, and the relationship between Cooperative Learning, leadership and the new Ofsted framework, outlined here.


Book a free consultation now.

Cooperative Learning, Ofsted and academic results


Secure monitoring, assessment, accountabilIty, peer support, learning differentiation through instantly applicable Ofsted grade student-centred learning...






“National average for level fours combined for Pupil Premium is 67%. Well, this year we achieved 75% …”


- Glenn Russell, Head of Stalham Academy, July 2015 watch video >


Videos and post on his appraisal of Cooperative Learning at Stalham Academy five months after their final CPD session: New head, fresh eyes; a critical outsider’s look at Cooperative Learning

Handle behavior and attainment simultaneously


The Skills & Mastery course is tailored for tasks and rote learning, yet the impact on social skills extends beyond the classroom...






“... enables everyone to contribute, encourages participants to actively listen to each other (...) provided a way to engage in controversy within a safe social environment. The tools are very easy to use.”


- Kevin Blogg, teacher & teacher trainer, SACRE, Norfolk County Council, 2014

Use Cooperative Learning to engage your stakeholders


A cooperative ethos should not be limited to behaviour and attainment of pupils. Stage guided enquires and organise meetings to engage your stakeholders...





“...responding both to the demand of government and community as well as those like myself who see young people on a daily basis trying to understand their world view...”


-Garry Swinton, Chaplain of The Grey Coat Hospital and Westminster City School, Healing Fractures II - Beyond Birmingham, March 17, 2015

‘‘‘Use active learning techniques;’’ ‘‘Be responsive in the classroom;’’

‘‘Promote respect for diversity;’’ “Foster critical thinking.”

[How to] respond simultaneously and responsibly to these multiple demands?


Barbara J. Millis IDEA Paper No. 38 Enhancing Learning - and More! - Through Cooperative Learning ©The IDEA Center, Inc.